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Modifications Needed for Vader Suit

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:36 pm
by Darth Trash
Hello All,

I have always wanted to join the 501st for many years. I am 41 years old, 6'5" 245lbs and I love Darth Vader. A few years back I got the Deluxe Supreme Vader Suit From the Star Wars shop and I was wondering what do I need to change to make this 501st approved. Any help would be AWESOME!!!

Again thank you for any help you can offer!


Re: Modifications Needed for Vader Suit

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:45 pm
by Flash
mparent makes accurate boxes but I will let all of the Vaders here help you out with whatever else you need. Welcome to the forums.

Re: Modifications Needed for Vader Suit

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:45 pm
by Lumpy
First off WELCOME!!!!!

However, you may find that unless you REALLY know your stuff, the modifications that are needed to a Rubies Vader are a very daunting task to say the least.

My first suggestion would be to register at This is the Sith Lord detachment and contains all things Vader related - INCLUDING a comprehensive list of the mods needed to a Rubies Vader to get it 501st approvable.
Sign on there and then read, read, read. If you find the mods too daunting a task, there is also info where you can get the parts needed to put together a 501st approvable Vader.

Best of luck!!

Re: Modifications Needed for Vader Suit

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:56 pm
by Kal
It is a LONGGGGGG list of mods needed to fix a rubies Vader. More then not, most people end up selling and starting over.

Many times when people would ask "What mods are needed" First step I have heard people say is put it back in the box and try to sell it.

Go to the link Lumpy posted. Your best bet it there. Good luck

Oh, ya also got the belt on upside down