Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 7:21 am Post subject: Costume Applications Process 
The purpose of this post is to let applicants know what the process is that their costume application will go through when they submit their costume for approval judgment. It shows what is expected of applicants, and also what applicants can expect from the costume judging team.
Costume approval applications should be submitted once the applicant has completed their costume to the standard where it looks like it does in the movie/series/cartoon/game/etc., and fits the wearer like it does in the movie/series/cartoon/game/etc. The applicant should also have already uploaded all the pictures required to demonstrate this to a web picture hosting site.
While it isn't possible to give an exact length of time any specific application may take to conclude, each application is taken through a common process with the following phases and aspirational timeline:
Phase 1 (Application Day 0)
The applicant submits their costume application. From this point a Legion Costume Judge (LCJ) can take responsibility for processing the application as the lead judge.
Phase 2 (By Application Day 4)
The lead LCJ will have contacted the applicant to advise they have taken responsibility as lead judge for their application, and that the judgment is in progress.
This provides the applicant with a direct email address contact to the lead LCJ should they have any queries about their application
This email is sent via the RL costume application system, which automatically copies the email to the LMO and key base staff.
Phase 3 (By Application Day 11)
The lead LCJ will analyze the submitted costume, comparing it to the costume standards and the original costume as seen in the movie/series/comic/game. Any issues will be identified, whether they are with the details of the costume, or with there not being enough detail visible in the photographs provided by the applicant to see if all the required details are present and correct.
Other members of the LCJ team may be involved in the analysis of the costume and provide additional expertise and input into the consideration.
Then either:
1. IF JUDGED TO BE APPROVABLE - the application will then move directly to Phase 7.
2. IF DETERMINED NOT ABLE TO BE APPROVED - the application will then move onto Phase 4.
Phase 4 (By Application Day 11)
If it is determined that a costume is not able to be approved, the applicant will be emailed (via the RL applications system) by the lead LCJ to advise them why. If due to issues with the costume, the email will include a list of the issues that must be addressed in order to make the costume approvable, and request the applicant reply with links to photographs of the amended costume when the issues are resolved. If the links provided in the application do not work, or are insufficient to determine if the costume is approvable, the lead LCJ will request links to photographs establishing that the costume is approvable.
Please note: Only links to images hosted on the applicants hosting site and available for public viewing can be accepted - the RL judging system is not equipped to receive or process emails with images directly attached.
The applicant will be given two weeks to provide new links to images to establish the costume is approvable.
Phase 5 (by Phase 4 day plus 18 days)
The lead LCJ will determine if, now including the additional photographs the applicant sent links to in Phase 3, the costume is approvable or not.
1. IF JUDGED TO BE APPROVABLE - the lead LCJ will email the applicant (via the RL applications system) to advise them that they have everything required and please be patient for a little longer while we process the application. The application will then move directly to Phase 7.
2. IF DETERMINED NOT ABLE TO BE APPROVED - the lead LCJ will move the application onto Phase 6.
Phase 6 (by Phase 4 day plus 18 days)
The costume application will be judged as denied by the lead LCJ. The RL applications system will be used to deny the application, and the lead LCJ will use it to generate an email in which the reasons for the denial will be listed. This email will be automatically copied to the LMO and key Base staff.
Phase 7 (by Phase 4 day plus 18 days)
The costume application will be judged as approved by the lead LCJ. The lead LCJ will then request that the Photoshopping team process the applicant's profile image with suitable background and frame.
Phase 8 (by Phase 4 day plus 22 days)
The lead LCJ will approve the application in the RL applications system. This will include an email sent to the applicant, LMO and key Base staff advising of the costume approval. The applicant's profile will also be updated.
Key Points:
1. The length of time an application can take can depend greatly on the quality of the application. If all details are correct in the costume, and all clearly shown in the (working) images linked in the application, applications can be processed relatively quickly.
2. It is key that before you submit your application, you test the image links (using the test image link functionality provided). Links that do not work will at best delay your application, at worst could result in your application being denied if they cannot be used by the LCJ team.
3. Costumes should be completed and checked to see if they match the costume in the movie/game/comic/series/etc. before the application is submitted. While we can provide up to two weeks to make changes, the applications system is not intended as a work in progress area.
4. The two weeks given for changes is intended to be used for very small, quick fixes. If required amendments are more extensive, it is highly advised you do not rush any work, and take as much time as needed. While this will mean your application is denied this time, you are free to reapply whenever you are ready and previous applications (even for the same costume) have no effect on new applications.
5. Similarly, all photographs needed to establish the costume is authentic and includes all details should be taken and uploaded prior to submitting the application. There is no such thing as too many costume photographs!
6. If you have any queries regarding your ongoing application, please first contact the lead LCJ (they should be reachable by replying to their introduction email they will have sent you).
7. A costume denial is not the end! As disappointing as it might feel, the RL forums, detachments, members, and your local base can all provide a wealth of information and assistance for making any alterations required for your costume. If your costume application is denied, you will not lose any access you currently have to the forums or the resources contained there. You are free to use those resources, use as much time as you need to work on your costume, and to reapply whenever you are ready.