Hopelessly stuck on ANH TK Armor

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Hopelessly stuck on ANH TK Armor

Post by ARC98 »

I've been working on my armor trying to get it just right for my fit, I bought a RS Props kit, but unfortunately the thigh and leg pieces are too big and will need cut down in order for me to be able to move. I have no experience with trimming armor and I fear I'm going to really mess it up and invalidate the armor as a whole. I've also failed to figure out the setup for my bucket. I've tried lining it and padding it to fit my head and hide the electronics within, but I either have the worst shaped noggin and or lack the talent to do it. I really want to join, but at this rate, I don't see it happening. I need insight and help. I have the equipment necessary to cut the armor, but I'm not confident that I can properly melt and bend the plastic back to how it should be. Sorry for the dump.
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Re: Hopelessly stuck on ANH TK Armor

Post by Skykat »

Hi Arc.

The best place for you to go for advice is really the detachments. I myself with my TIE armor was incredibly nervous to start cutting because if I screwed it up, hundreds of dollars just went out the window.

I posted on the TIE detachment forums and I was able to get a TON of good advice.

TKs are https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/

Check them out.
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Re: Hopelessly stuck on ANH TK Armor

Post by masteroftheforce »

I agree with what Kat said. Whitearmor.net has a wealth of info. I know RS has a youtube video on how to assemble their scout hwlmet. They may have similar for their TK's. You might be able to find a member in your area that could also help you out. Where in Michigan are you located? We also do armor parties a few times a year, so you can watch for one of those as well.
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Re: Hopelessly stuck on ANH TK Armor

Post by mfiscus »

I recently built a TK kit in Sept (WTF kit), was definitely overwhelmed with nervousness on making bad cuts.
The RS Props folks are awesome, got to visit and meet them last month. Their YouTube channel got me over the line to get my kit done. Although I did use the e6000 glue, which saved me multiple times.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... MLygc-_4pZ
I'm sure they would give you some direct guidance if you message them. They have very active members in the UK Garrison.

Early on I was lucky enough to have a member of the 501st drop by with his kit so I could get a hands on look piece by piece and ask questions. That was a huge jump start for me.

I then offered the same for another new recruit about an hour away. He had a few visits here and we got his kit in order. Looks like you're about 2 hours out, but I would be willing to do a video call if that would help. Although a build party at Bells would be tempting...

Let me know if I can assist.
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Re: Hopelessly stuck on ANH TK Armor

Post by oldscool »

Arc. Where are you located? We have a ton of members that have built or modified stormtrooper armor that may be willing to help as well
Craig Hobbs
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