Luckily the helmets and belts come assembled (but the top 2 chicago screws will need to be removed from the holster connection to the canvas belt , and the holes either covered from inside with white cloth to hide the holes…or sew them shut…or just leave them for “weathering”).
While there will be odds and ends, like the thermal detonator assembly that can be done whenever, or painting the ab plate buttons with the correct colors, here’s a basic layout off the top of my head to follow:
Arms day :
-Cut out all armor from molds, and sand edges.
-Assemble biceps and forearms with cover strips, inside and out.
-Glue elastic straps to handplates.
-Create strapping between forearms, biceps, shoulder bells, and around the bottom of the shoulder bell across the finished biceps……mess with making shoulder bell to torso strapping on torso day.
Legs day:
-Cut out all armor from molds, and sand edges.
-Assemble thighs and shins with cover strips, inside and out.
-Attach boxes to bottom of assembled right thigh with split rivets.
-If choosing a Velcro back closure for shins, attach that.
-Glue and clamp left knee to shin in proper position.
-Create garter belt system: waist belt under ab armor, glue straps to inside thigh plates to attach to belt. This is in place of the Anovos directions where they are attaching the thighs right to the ab plate. Most TK’s use a garter belt system instead these days.
Torso day. This is a big day and will take a full day morning to night likely to do, not just a few hour armor party, because it’s about fine tuning how everything sits on the body of each person individually, and this day is a lot of work:
-Cut out all armor from molds, and sand edges.
-Glue 2 button boxes to ab plate.
-Glue front of shoulder bridge straps to outside of chestplate, and small elastic straps around opposite top sides of upper back plate (to tuck the shoulder bridges into when fully assembled to troop).
-Attach groin strapping between codpiece (split rivet) and butt plate (snaps).
-Strap everything: upper back to lower back to butt plate, chest plate to ab plate (if doing a screen accurate method). Left side ab to lower back plates connected with 3 elastic straps and evenly spaced split rivets; right side connected with snap on ab plate and opposite elastic strap glued to inside lower back plate. Create soft shoulder straps for chest to upper back attachment, and then shoulder bell strapping onto that. Once this is done, line up where to attach 2 snaps for the canvas belt to ab plate attachment while the person is wearing the upper body armor. Install snaps into ab plate. ... 3693831912
Anovos instructions say velcro all this strapping to the torso plates, but most guys will either use a snap system or elastic straight glued to the armor (lower back to buttplate, or the one around the bottom of the shoulder bell for example). More secure. Same thing with the hand plates, they're saying velcro a patch to an elastic band and velcro the hand plate on. No. Glue it. The less velcro you can use, the better.
Except for the helmets having stickers (making them level 2 E.I.B. for the 501st), the Anovos instructions are practically set up for level 3 Centurion building. Which is great..... ... _anh_stunt