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Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:29 pm
by Mama_Wags
I did it!!! I made my Lifetime Membership with Weight Watchers. What that means is that I maintained my goal weight for 6 weeks. Now, I can continue to lose but can't be more than 2 pounds above my goal. I have to continue to weigh in on a monthly basis (but will most likely continue with the weekly meetings).

So...current stats are:

146.8/130/128.8 YAY ME!!!

I figure now is the time to start toning the new body. My eating habits have changed so dramatically and I'm awfully proud that I was able to keep myself within goal over the holiday season! Woo hoo!!

Now where is that hot new bathing suit I bought back at the start of the summer that now needs to be tried on! :wink: (I'm pretty sure Tony knows where it's at!) LOL!

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:48 am
by Crimson
Start lifting heavy weights, girl. That's the only way. But congratulations! Very proud of you!

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:16 pm
by Kal
Just finished up with a 2 mile warm up run and P90X Day 1 of week 10 I am dead. Time to shower (Diana says I smell like b@lls :( ) and then to sleep :mrgreen: YAY SLEEP :thumbs:

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:48 pm
by Mrs Skirata
So since I have been back from Florida I watched what I was eating but not working out.( Only on thursday, my kickboxing class that ended at the begining of Dec). But now I have to be at my goal by October. Also I'm up 4lbs :( over the hoildays. I sign back up for kickboxing class, that starts this thursday. So back to Turbo Jam every night and rabbit food. I have to reach the big goal by October! My little goal is going to be 10lbs every 4-5 weeks. Buy August I should be their!

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:51 am
by Ripcode
11/02/09 weighed in at 203.0 lbs
11/09/09 weighed in at 204.5 lbs
11/16/09 weighed in at 203.5 lbs
11/23/09 weighed in at 202.0 lbs
11/30/09 weighed in at 199.5 lbs
12/07/09 weighed in at 198.5 lbs.
12/14/09 weighed in at 195.5 lbs.
12/21/09 weighed in at 194.5 lbs
12/28/09 weighed in at 194.0 lbs
01/04/10 weighed in at 193.0 lbs
01/11/10 weighed in at 190.0 lbs

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:38 am
by Thumper
Ok, so I finally got serious about eatting right. I was going to sign up for weight watchers, but just didn't have the funds to start. But I was not going to use that as an excuse to not start eatting right.

I started by actually reading serving sizes and seeing what I am supposed to be eatting. Oh wow! There are some things that I was having 4/5 servings of in a sitting (ie mashed potatos)!! So I bought a food scale to help with measuring out my serving sizes. And I am making sure that I am getting a lot more veggies in my day.

I have also been writting down everything that I eat. I figure it would help me see my progress better and I can go back to see where I can improve my eatting habits.

The plan is to loose at minimum 30lbs by my 30th birthday (roughly 6 months away). Loosing more would be great, but that is the absolute minimum.

My first weigh in was last week, Monday night.

1/4: 190/190/160

I weighed myself after a week of tracking and measuring my eatting habits.

1/11: 190/185/160 (-5)

I found that eatting the correct portion sizes leaves me full and most importantly not feeling bloated and over-stuffed after a meal.

My biggest problem seems to be getting enough water in my system. I find myself mistaking thirst for hunger. So I drink some water and if I am still hungry in a few minutes, then I will find a healthy snack. But I know I need to drink more water. Any suggestions? It's not that I hate water, I just don't remember to drink it till I am way past thirsty.

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:59 pm
by Crimson
YAAAAY BROOKE!!!! Welcome to the life-train :)

WW works for some people (Jackie -- WTG again, BTW), not so much for others, so like any nutrition/diet/fitness program, it's not a one-size-fits-all deal. At the end of the day, basic math is the guiding rule: consume less than you expend.

Water is necessary, but don't fall for that "if you're hungry, drink water" spiel. If you're hungry, you're hungry. Drinking water makes you less thirsty ;) Stock up on low-fat snacks in your various places -- your desk @ work, in easy-to-reach places at home, and even in your car. Part of the difficulty that busy people have is not knowing when those moments will strike and what to do when it happens.

It does take a little bit more planning and tracking for the grocery bill, and you may even see the total jump for a little while as you transition over from the cheaper but more processed foods to more expensive but more natural and wholesome foods, but the long-term goal will be worth it in the end.

Consider it a short-term investment in your permanent health & fitness!

For reminding yourself to drink water, keep a water bottle at your desk at work at all times and refill it every time. Whenever you make a save in whatever project you're working on or if you're in the middle of a render, go refill it, even to just top it off. Drink some on the way back to your desk. When you pause to examine your work or try to decide which way to go, take a sip. By doing little sips more frequently, you're not chugging quarts of water at a time.

Just like eating small portions more times per day will reduce your desire and capacity to eat big 2x a day.

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:04 pm
by Crimson
Tracking Web Sites

There are some sites out there specifically designed to help users track their food intake as well as exercise expenditures. Very few people are equipped to do all of this math in their heads, so having utilities like this is a godsend for many.

Two that I use often are:

Calorie Count
My Fitness Pal

CC's tracking is pretty top notch, while I find that their food database can be somewhat lacking. On the other hand, MFP's database is pretty expansive, but the tracking tools are not quite up to CC's level. CC also offers a visual chart of your actual progress and the trend over time.

Both have communities of people, of course, and CC's is quite large -- which comes at the price of information overload, raging newbies, and bitter old veterans (sound familiar? ;)). MFP's community is a bit smaller, but definitely has a higher percentage of women and not as many grizzled veterans.

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:15 pm
by Stardust
Mama_Wags wrote:I did it!!! I made my Lifetime Membership with Weight Watchers. What that means is that I maintained my goal weight for 6 weeks. Now, I can continue to lose but can't be more than 2 pounds above my goal. I have to continue to weigh in on a monthly basis (but will most likely continue with the weekly meetings).

So...current stats are:

146.8/130/128.8 YAY ME!!!

I figure now is the time to start toning the new body. My eating habits have changed so dramatically and I'm awfully proud that I was able to keep myself within goal over the holiday season! Woo hoo!!

Now where is that hot new bathing suit I bought back at the start of the summer that now needs to be tried on! :wink: (I'm pretty sure Tony knows where it's at!) LOL!
You go mama girl!! You inspire me to stop slacking. We are getting another cardio machine so we have no excuses.



Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:14 pm
by Mrs Skirata
So, I started kickboxing class again today. Same teacher as last time, no other students came back. Because I came back, she is letting come to the wednesday class too. 2 classes for the price of 1 :dance:

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:49 am
by Wags
Well, started WW with Jackie on monday and back to the gym since there is no worky worky for me. Its actually hard to eat my 35pts for the day. I have to snack... a lot. BUT.. its not with junk so thats good.

Since I went 4 days doing nothing but eating like poo, and drinking all weekend.. AND... sitting on my fat arse.. I gained.. um.... 7lbs... which sucks...

So, we will see where I stand next monday. As of now its...


Plan is to be there by my birthday. :thumbs:

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:11 pm
by Ripcode
11/02/09 weighed in at 203.0 lbs
11/09/09 weighed in at 204.5 lbs
11/16/09 weighed in at 203.5 lbs
11/23/09 weighed in at 202.0 lbs
11/30/09 weighed in at 199.5 lbs
12/07/09 weighed in at 198.5 lbs.
12/14/09 weighed in at 195.5 lbs.
12/21/09 weighed in at 194.5 lbs
12/28/09 weighed in at 194.0 lbs
01/04/10 weighed in at 193.0 lbs
01/11/10 weighed in at 190.0 lbs
01/18/10 weighed in at 190.5 lbs <----- :shock:

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:33 pm
by Wags
Ripcode wrote:11/02/09 weighed in at 203.0 lbs
11/09/09 weighed in at 204.5 lbs
11/16/09 weighed in at 203.5 lbs
11/23/09 weighed in at 202.0 lbs
11/30/09 weighed in at 199.5 lbs
12/07/09 weighed in at 198.5 lbs.
12/14/09 weighed in at 195.5 lbs.
12/21/09 weighed in at 194.5 lbs
12/28/09 weighed in at 194.0 lbs
01/04/10 weighed in at 193.0 lbs
01/11/10 weighed in at 190.0 lbs
01/18/10 weighed in at 190.5 lbs <----- :shock:
Um... did you forget the um... multiples of Rum and cokes from sat night??

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:00 pm
by Ripcode
Wags wrote:
Ripcode wrote:11/02/09 weighed in at 203.0 lbs
11/09/09 weighed in at 204.5 lbs
11/16/09 weighed in at 203.5 lbs
11/23/09 weighed in at 202.0 lbs
11/30/09 weighed in at 199.5 lbs
12/07/09 weighed in at 198.5 lbs.
12/14/09 weighed in at 195.5 lbs.
12/21/09 weighed in at 194.5 lbs
12/28/09 weighed in at 194.0 lbs
01/04/10 weighed in at 193.0 lbs
01/11/10 weighed in at 190.0 lbs
01/18/10 weighed in at 190.5 lbs <----- :shock:
Um... did you forget the um... multiples of Rum and cokes from sat night??
Oh yeah.... :?

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:05 pm
by Hyper
Lots of Rum :lol:

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:05 am
by Thumper
So another week of eatting right. Which was a bit hard being out of town, a bit stressed, and everyone else around me eatting pizza, hot dogs, and junk food. But I stuck to my eatting habits and amazingly I lost weight!!

1/4: 190/190/160
1/11: 190/185/160 (-5)
1/19: 190/183/160 (-2)

Accidently missed a meal yesterday (fell asleep when lunch was served on the plane). I felt so sick and light headed. So decided that I am going to keep some healthy snacks in my purse for the future just in case food is not available. Definately a learned lesson.

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:16 am
by Ripcode
Goal: 180-185 Lbs
11/02/09 weighed in at 203.0 lbs
11/09/09 weighed in at 204.5 lbs +1.5
11/16/09 weighed in at 203.5 lbs -1.0
11/23/09 weighed in at 202.0 lbs -1.5
11/30/09 weighed in at 199.5 lbs -2.5
12/07/09 weighed in at 198.5 lbs -1.0
12/14/09 weighed in at 195.5 lbs -3.0
12/21/09 weighed in at 194.5 lbs -1.0
12/28/09 weighed in at 194.0 lbs -0.5
01/04/10 weighed in at 193.0 lbs -1.0
01/11/10 weighed in at 190.0 lbs -3.0
01/18/10 weighed in at 190.5 lbs +0.5
01/25/10 weighed in at 188.0 lbs -2.5

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:51 pm
by Wags
1/18 249/224/200
1/25 249/221/200

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:29 am
by Crimson
Rock on, dude. You were looking good Saturday, too. Your hard work is showing.

Re: Great Lakes Fitness Center

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:04 am
by Kal
Need to get my but in gear big time. End of this month will be day 90 of P90x. I know I could have done much better with it, I skipped a day hear and there in the last 3 weeks, I have been sitting just under 166 now for about half a month. I want to get down to about 155 and then put on about 5-10 lbs at that point. Feb 1st, I will be doing P90x a 2nd time around and bust'n my butt (have costume hopes for Motor city party). Also with the wedding in Sept. I want to look even more like a bad @ss then I do now ;)

Last night, frak'd up and ate a full large hot and ready pizza. Felt like poodoo after I was done, but not cause I ate too much, just the fact that I did and could have done more.

Today, inplace of plyo x. Iwill be hitting the tremill for about 6 miles maybe more since diana works late.