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Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:17 am
by Sith_Sidious2009
Hello All,
I am in the process of creating an Episode 6 Emperor Palpatine. I wanted to wait to post until the robes were done, but I had a few questions regarding the whole piece in general. I can safely say that my robes are in the process of being made using Mark's PDF file for the pattern and the material. Also, as of late I have:
1. Master Replicas Palpatine Cane & Clasp- Also thanks to Sir Ken I have another cane I can use as a replacement when I troop for weather/bad children, etc... ;)
Snapshot_20100321_1.jpg (47.45 KiB) Viewed 25688 times
2. Master Replicas Darth Sidious Lightsaber- Not necessary everytime, I know, but I plan on using it for future endeavors- especially when I finish my Ep III robes.
Snapshot_20100113_2.jpg (45.22 KiB) Viewed 25650 times
3. Yellow contact lenses

I have on order:
1. The robes (obviously)
2. Prosthetic Piece- As I plan on being this character quite a bit, I need to learn from one of the Master's how to make my own prosthetics. I need this one because Motor City ComicCon is around the corner.
Prosthetic.jpg (59.54 KiB) Viewed 25817 times
3. Boots- as every Emperor must have them

I will have pics of the robes real soon. Everything else will be in quick order. Any other suggestions or comments are welcomed and appriciated!


Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:25 am
by LongShot
Hi Jonathan (I'm Jonathan also BTW)! I think this project sounds fantastic!!! I have told my wife a few times that we need an Emperor around here and it sounds like you are doing everything right :thumbs: Can't wait to meet you and see the full power of the Dark Side unleashed...<evil laughter, of course> :lol:

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:45 am
by Lumpy
Welcome, Jonathan!!
Any time we get a new character to our group, it's a GREAT day!!!
Hope to see you around soon.

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:55 am
by Blizz
AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it all put together. Looks like it will be cool!!!!!

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:54 am
by Sith_Sidious2009
Thank you for the kind reception all! Yes, I plan on making this go all the way! My seamstress will be done with the robes by next weekend. I will be ready for Motor City by May but can hopefully join as a full fledged member before that. :D I'm pretty much 75% there. I love this character and am looking forward to trooping with you all!

PS- Jonathan is a great name! lol :mrgreen:


Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:39 pm
by Sleg
Looks like your well on your way!

Don't forget Force Lightning.

Wags might be able to help...

What do you think Wags...a modified taser gun, a hand full of capacitors, #12 AWG type XHHW copper wire, electric tape, kevlar sleeves, and a few wire nuts? :rotflmao:

See you at Motor City Jonathan!

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:08 pm
by Sith_Sidious2009
Sounds awesome man! I saw one guy on YouTube as Palpatine with stobe lights under the cuffs of his robes. It was pretty interesting. I just hope I wouldn't give anyone a seizure! :blink: My seamstress says she will have my robes done by next things are progessing quickly! I am very excited! Happy Trooping!

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:46 pm
by SlvrCrest
Looking good Jonathan! Can't wait to see it at MC3.

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:01 pm
by Wags
Very cool Jonathon. Very cool.

Yup, you will have a throne to sit upon sir!!! Hopefully we can get a couple of royal gaurds to stand around you :thumbs:

You could also try and do the static ball thing that makes your hair stand up and stuff for the force lightning.

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:08 pm
by tk1440
and do'nt forget the legion of stormtrooper to company you at MC3. :thumbs:


Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:46 am
by Sith_Sidious2009
Sounds awesome guys! I am really looking forward to this. I'm not gonna lie...I am looking forward to being surrounded by Royal Guards, a legion of Stormtroopers and Darth Vader! And a throne?? Really!! I am hoping to get this approved before MC3, so after its all said and done maybe I could meet a couple of you guys beforehand if your trooping anywhere.


Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:41 am
by Crimson
That'd be sweet. I'm working on a Palps as well (pretty much have the same stuff you do), but haven't really gotten any work started on it at all. I bought the prosthetic face from one of the Legion members, but I'd have to trim it and adjust it to actually fit my face....then figure out how to make more.

And paint it, too, for that matter.

So yeah. Nowhere near close to done! :)

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:32 pm
by Sith_Sidious2009
As soon as I get everything together and approved, if you need help let me know. I am just waiting on my weekend!

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:10 am
by Crimson
It'll be a long while, I'm afraid -- too many projects going on right now to even look at the stuff! :)

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:25 pm
by Harp
Ohhhh....Palpatine......the Emperor's throne......MCCC 2010 is going to be awesome :thumbs:

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:02 pm
by Sith_Sidious2009
Yes, I am excited too! I have been mimicking Ian's posture, movements and voice for this momentus occasion. My boots are on their way, I am ordering the prosthetics today and my robes should be done next week. I'll post progress pics asap. I hope to be a full-fledged member by mid April. Quick question: when would you guys want me at MC3? All three days or a combination thereof? I just need to know for work scheduling purposes. You know how that goes! :whatthe:

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:07 pm
by jhart06
Hah, been reading this for a while, figured I'd chime in... A Palpatine would be an awesome edition!! Especially with the throne, vader, royal guards, and the ranks of anonymous TK's...I can see a marching phalanx of Imperial Might now XD

I know i'll be there all three days, i'll have to find time away from the Mando table to come meet you... You're a good, steady employer after all... :thumbs: If a bit on the crazy side (in that buy you a beer then electrocute you to death in it sort of way1)...

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:24 pm
by Kal
Sith_Sidious2009 wrote:Yes, I am excited too! I have been mimicking Ian's posture, movements and voice for this momentus occasion. My boots are on their way, I am ordering the prosthetics today and my robes should be done next week. I'll post progress pics asap. I hope to be a full-fledged member by mid April. Quick question: when would you guys want me at MC3? All three days or a combination thereof? I just need to know for work scheduling purposes. You know how that goes! :whatthe:
Any one can come to Motor city. If you are a member of the 501st by then, you can hang out near us all day every day if you want. And be able to use our tub storage space and the changeing room we have. If you are not a 501st member by then, you can hang out and get pics and sit in the chair. But not able to use our storage and changeing room area. That is for members and family only.

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:54 am
by Sith_Sidious2009
So jayheart, would it look something like this:
palpbeer.jpg (16.22 KiB) Viewed 25228 times
Thanks for the info Kal, I should be joined by MC3! Thats the hope at least!

Re: Michigan Emperor Palpatine Episode VI in the making

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:32 am
by jhart06
Absolutely! Pegged it! :rotflmao:

That picture disturbs me in ways I hadn't anticipated..