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my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:58 pm
by Darth Katz
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. Even though my 1st choice would be the big guy in black, but with funds low and no tall heals about vader's secret apprentice? (Anyone read "The Force Unleashed")? Would the 501 except this?
Or maybe there is a book I have not found yet where Vader has an assistant? Or maybe not.

Today I went and got a black tee shirt. Thought maybe I can do something with it. Maybe this counts as .01% of costume building.

Here is some history of me: When I was going to trek shows I did a vulcan female complete with ears. I still have it. Wig and all. So I am not new to costumes.

Anybody have some great ideas...shoot them my way.

Thanks for your time.

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:54 pm
by Terrell78
Yes Vader's apprentice is an approved 501st costume. There is a ton of work involved as it's all custom made.

For all the info on it check out the Flag Ship Eclipse.

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:04 pm
by Darth Katz
Terrell78 wrote:Yes Vader's apprentice is an approved 501st costume. There is a ton of work involved as it's all custom made.

For all the info on it check out the Flag Ship Eclipse.
Thanks for the reply and link! I keep coming back to Galen Marek, starkiller. I am familar with the white robe as it is simular to my vulcan female. Who do I check with for approval (final one) before I thread one needle?
Thanks! ... Zercon.jpg

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:22 am
by Kal
If you are going to do the "white robe" aka good Starkiller, then you may want to ask that question on the Rebel Legion forums. 501st are the bad guys costumes. Since that is a Jedi costume, you would need to go to the RL and ask if that could be an approved costume for membership.

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:33 am
by Jaster
The white robed version is RL approvable, you just have to be very mindful of the fabric choices for accurate textures and color. You'll also need to have an accurate hilt for Starkiller's lightsaber for approval as well.

Re: my first costume..but help needed...more help needed!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:11 pm
by Darth Katz
I posted about doing Galen...and eventually I will. But I want to continue with my favorite.

I have been conversing with a guy in the UK who does shows with Mr. Prowse. and he has helped somewhat. But he is so far away. :(
I would love to have some help from members who did the Vader outfit to help guide me in what is the best way to go about this. Please either PM me or post here.
The guy in the UK said to try eBay. I have found some but don't want to jump at anything before talking to some experienced Vader costumers first! If Ebay is the best way to go, there is a guy selling his and the price is within my budget. There is 4 days left on the sale and I have sent the guy many questions.

Another crazy shop to get the most authentic lightsaber......

Thanks for any guidance!

Re: my first costume..but help needed...more help needed!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:42 pm
by Atreydies79
darthkatz wrote:

Another crazy shop to get the most authentic lightsaber......

Thanks for any guidance!
Ask Jay-gon, he'll lead you in the right direction.

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:35 pm
by Myshadowstar
Hey there if your doing vader you could try this. I'm doing a generic jedi and getting the anakin version but the reviews seem good for the vader if you can get one in good initial condition. ... id=1320522

good luck

Re: my first costume..but help needed...more help needed!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:48 pm
by Kal
darthkatz wrote:HELP!
I posted about doing Galen...and eventually I will. But I want to continue with my favorite.

I have been conversing with a guy in the UK who does shows with Mr. Prowse. and he has helped somewhat. But he is so far away. :(
I would love to have some help from members who did the Vader outfit to help guide me in what is the best way to go about this. Please either PM me or post here.
The guy in the UK said to try eBay. I have found some but don't want to jump at anything before talking to some experienced Vader costumers first! If Ebay is the best way to go, there is a guy selling his and the price is within my budget. There is 4 days left on the sale and I have sent the guy many questions.

Another crazy shop to get the most authentic lightsaber......

Thanks for any guidance!
A link to the items would help. Go to the sith lord detachment for all your vader questions. Have you decided what version you are going to make? Each costume is different and you need to make sure all the parts you get or make, are correct for the version you are working on. Same goes with the sabers. Episode 3,4 &5 are all different. Also have to take into account that most if not all Vader armor is 1:1 scale, so parts may not look right on some body frames.

Re: my first costume..but help needed...pic

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:55 pm
by Darth Katz
I wanted to post about this guy that I have been talking to who is with another garrison out in New Mexico. He is selling his Vader suit but it is somewhat large. He is 6'1", and I am 5'7" med build with broad shoulders. Now can it be re-sized? I would find a seamstress since I know 0 about sewing. Here is a pic of his. (I hope it attaches)
Anybody have anything..shoot them my way.
Thanks a bunch!

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:08 pm
by Crimson
Honestly, with something as high end as Vader, it really is best to do extensive research rather than jumping into a "for sale" package. At 5'7", it's going to be difficult to pull off a good Vader (as Kal knows first hand). As we keep saying, do your research and take your time.

Why spend a couple of thousand dollars only to end up with something that just will not fit? Without knowing even the basics, there's little that WE can do to advise.

No matter what you select as your costume, there WILL be crafting and adjustment required. There's just no getting around that. You mentioned that you have very little when it comes to tools, so again being honest and perhaps a little blunt, you're going to have greater of an uphill battle because of that and you'll need to take more time and research than perhaps others of us who are more accustomed to crafting and tinkering, and have the tools and knowledge to rework a kit to our own personal specs.

Neither Vader nor Boba are something to just jump into blindly, nor are they for beginners.

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:27 pm
by Kal
Crimson wrote:Honestly, with something as high end as Vader, it really is best to do extensive research rather than jumping into a "for sale" package. At 5'7", it's going to be difficult to pull off a good Vader (as Kal knows first hand). As we keep saying, do your research and take your time.

Why spend a couple of thousand dollars only to end up with something that just will not fit? Without knowing even the basics, there's little that WE can do to advise.

No matter what you select as your costume, there WILL be crafting and adjustment required. There's just no getting around that. You mentioned that you have very little when it comes to tools, so again being honest and perhaps a little blunt, you're going to have greater of an uphill battle because of that and you'll need to take more time and research than perhaps others of us who are more accustomed to crafting and tinkering, and have the tools and knowledge to rework a kit to our own personal specs.

Neither Vader nor Boba are something to just jump into blindly, nor are they for beginners.
Yep. Vader and the Fetts are some of the costly costumes one can do. Since they are the main focus a lot of the time by fans, they have to look just right. To go the cheap route on one will show. A good Vader bucket can be 400-700 alone

I had spent about 200.00 to get a pair of boots made for me. The toe had 1/2" added to it and a slow incline to a 3.75 in heel. The boot was 2.5 sizes bigger then what I use and a wide size at that. This way he was able to build up a internal sole lift that went up 3 more inches. I had the dome padded and set so that I was looking out of the lowest part of the eye and also out of the grill on the mouth. This gave me about 1.25" more and then the normal addition of the bucket/dome gives 3 more. So in all I added 11" to my height. I am just a tad over 5'6 so pretty much was about 6'6 in full armor. The internal mods to the dome and boots hid a lot of the extra build up. and the incline to the sole hid some of the Frank'n vader look. But with a bad knee and back that can go out if i cough to hard. My vader days are done for now, unless an emergency troop is needed. :mrgreen:

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:05 pm
by Darth Katz
Thanks for the comments! I agree with researching and I will contiune to do so.

SO what is my other avenue? I hear that each section of the suit is cast from real molds. So I guess I have find the company that sells new parts and go from there. I would prefer new rather than used.


Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:28 pm
by Terrell78
darthkatz wrote:Thanks for the comments! I agree with researching and I will contiune to do so.

SO what is my other avenue? I hear that each section of the suit is cast from real molds. So I guess I have find the company that sells new parts and go from there. I would prefer new rather than used.

Each part is cast from real molds? Of course they are cast from molds but they are not the LFL ones. Their are some props out there that are, but they are mega bucks and are very limited in their offerings. EFX is coming out with a nice ANH Vader helmet soon, the MR is the nicest ROTS Vader helmet available.

First you need to decide which movie version of Vader you want to do then start researching vendors. There are many out there, but their quality and customer service is all over the map.

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:30 pm
by Mowskwoz
Have you thought about maybe doing a Stormtrooper? At 5' 7", you can pull off a Stormtrooper a lot easier than a Vader. And Stormtroopers can be lots of fun, plus you get to hang out with Vader. You will still need tools and skills but they can be bought and learned. I had never used a dremel before starting this hobby. Now I think I'm pretty proficient with one. I've learned about paints, fabrics, adhesives and numerous other things by building my costumes. There are a lot of tips and tutorials posted on the F.IS.D. ( Go and check it out. :thumbs: :tksmilie:

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:59 pm
by Darth Katz
Terrell78 wrote:First you need to decide which movie version of Vader you want to do then start researching vendors. There are many out there, but their quality and customer service is all over the map.
ROTJ--been my favorite suit version since 1983. So far vendors have ROTS version.....tomorrow is another day to hit the "stores".....I wish this was "all too easy".... :|

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:09 am
by Kal
darthkatz wrote:Thanks for the comments! I agree with researching and I will contiune to do so.

SO what is my other avenue? I hear that each section of the suit is cast from real molds. So I guess I have find the company that sells new parts and go from there. I would prefer new rather than used.

Any "company" that sells LFL"cast from original molds" is all trash. It is the rubies junk vader that the only mold it is cast from is from the mold on the blue cheese chunk that was forgot about in the Skywalker ranch fridge.

The prop makers are all under ground, so LFL stays off there backs. Best bet is to ask questions on the sith lord detachment. People will then get ahold of you via PM. Stay away from rubies vaders. Odds are if you find parts on ebay, they will be run of the mill GT stuff, GT is good enough to use to get approved. But there are better and more $$$ parts out there. A top of the line chest box can cost 500.00 vs a GT that may be 130-150

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:43 am
by Terrell78
Kal wrote: A top of the line chest box can cost 500.00 vs a GT that may be 130-150
Chest boxes these days: top of the line is $275-300 and $100 for an AVA. All more accurate than GT. Luckily Vader has been getting cheaper the last couple years, you can do a top notch Vader for half what it would of cost 4 years ago.

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:23 am
by Kal
Terrell78 wrote:
Kal wrote: A top of the line chest box can cost 500.00 vs a GT that may be 130-150
Chest boxes these days: top of the line is $275-300 and $100 for an AVA. All more accurate than GT. Luckily Vader has been getting cheaper the last couple years, you can do a top notch Vader for half what it would of cost 4 years ago.
Sorry, my bad. I was giving a pre recession price :( hey its been a while :)

Re: my first costume..but help needed

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:54 am
by Lumpy
Just understand that we're not trying to talk you out of a Vader costume, just giving you the bottom line honest info. In the end, it's your money and your time. I'm 6' tall and when I put on my Vader costume, I top out at about 6'5 or so. Even then, I get comments about people thinking Vader would be taller (I tell them there is heavier gravity here but that's not the point). Loving a character and putting an approvable and troopable costume of that character can be 2 different things. Even with reduced prices, you're still looking at 2,000-3,000 dollars to put a Vader together. It would be a shame to dump that much $$ into something and then find out it doesn't fit right or you don't enjoy trooping in it.
You should DEFINATELY sign up and look around the Sith Lord Detachment and see what's there. Putting a 501st approvable costume together is a process. On occasion, you can get extremely lucky and find a package that is acceptable but check it out first BEFORE you buy - ebay is usually not the way to go.
If you've really and truly got your heart set on a Vader, know that it CAN be done for someone your size, but it is going to take some work and a good deal of time. If that doesn't deter you, than go for it!!