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41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:06 pm
by DeafTrooper
Got my bucket last week. Ordered the armor the other day...should arrive by the end of next month. Got the mouth grills and the visor section cut out.
Need to find a place that has big size aerators. The ones at the hardware store are to small. I want to hollow out the ones that came with the bucket and attach the screens so that I can attach fans behind of each one. I was going to try and carve out a lot of the inside of the mask to try and fit my glasses, but a lot of people advised against it. Decided to give up on that aspect, as I don't want to go the face removal route.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:58 pm
by Wags
U dont want the sink ones. They arent right. I might have a set I can send you. Stand by!
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:31 pm
by Harp
Boy does this bring back memories! The helmet in it's raw state like a blank canvas. Working on the helmet was by far my favorite part of my 327th Star Corps build. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress pics. Best of luck!
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:42 pm
by Wags
Ok, I have an extra set of a MR bucket. I have to do a little work to them so give me some time. I will get to work as soon as possible
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:52 pm
by Kal
Wags wrote:Ok, I have an extra set of a MR bucket. I have to do a little work to them so give me some time. I will get to work as soon as possible
look at you! posting at this time. Must be like'n the new shift. Hope it lasts a bit more longer for you sir.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:37 pm
by DeafTrooper
Wags wrote:U dont want the sink ones. They arent right. I might have a set I can send you. Stand by!
Ok, thanks Wags! I had heard of people canibalizing the screens out of the plumbing hardware and using those after hollowing out the ones on the helmet. Was looking to do the same, but couldn't find any big enough. Also heard of people adding a piece of the grill from a car speaker to it instead. Was thinking of that option too. Was hoping Evo3 had some leftovers of the ones he made years ago, but he was out. Also going to try and find some 25mm size fans and battery pack tomorrow at a hobby store, to go behind the aerators. I just cut out some space in my Evo3 bucket to make room to install them.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:09 pm
by Wags
I just picked up a new EVO3 bucket and binocs as well!!! He makes great stuff.
So you did get a set from him with your bucket right? If so, they are the same ones that i have that are extra, but they are off the MR, so it wont really do you any good.
Keep an eye out though, Evo3 does aluminum ones from time to time. i have a set on my current bucket that I have to take off and put on the new lid.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:50 pm
by DeafTrooper
Yep, got a set with the bucket. I just wanted something that will let me blow air through them for circulation. He was saying something about needing to find a new machinist if he ever makes the aluminum ones again. Apparently, he was having problems with all the other ones.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:22 pm
by Wags
I have a drill press and bits that are wide enough to drill them out. Just let me know.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:42 pm
by DeafTrooper
Wags wrote:U dont want the sink ones.
forgot to ask...are you talking about the entire assembly or just the screens?
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:34 pm
by Ripcode
I have one (1) fan in my clone helmet. It's not over the vents. It's right under my chin and blows air up and across the lens so I never have fogging issues. I only run it as needed.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:15 pm
by DeafTrooper
Hmm, that's another option to think about. Basically, I just wanted a way of having 1 fan blowing inwards and another blowing outwards. I heard that it can get pretty hot in these costumes and heard the hollow aerators option is what a lot of other people do to help with air circulation.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:31 pm
by Ripcode
DeafTrooper wrote:Hmm, that's another option to think about. Basically, I just wanted a way of having 1 fan blowing inwards and another blowing outwards. I heard that it can get pretty hot in these costumes and heard the hollow aerators option is what a lot of other people do to help with air circulation.
I am going to removed the hollow aerators and put back the solid MR ones back on mine.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:54 pm
by Wags
Dont listen to Rip, the man never sweats...
I, on the other hand, sweat in the shower. I have 3 fans, run them non stop, have on blowing out and one sucking in my aerators. And Im still hot, but, like I said, I sweat in the shower...
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:56 pm
by Wags
DeafTrooper wrote:Wags wrote:U dont want the sink ones.
forgot to ask...are you talking about the entire assembly or just the screens?
The entire assembly. They are way too small. The clones look nothing like TK's.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:08 pm
by Lou3433
When I made my 41st elite. I had two fans, one sucking in one blowing out. I got some ipod speakers from the dollar store that I tore apart and used the speaker grill from that to put in my aerators.
Man...I miss that costume. I need to build another...soon!
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:12 pm
by DeafTrooper
Wags wrote:The entire assembly. They are way too small. The clones look nothing like TK's.
Ok. No, I was just going to take the screen out of the sink ones and glue them in after i hollowed out the helmet ones.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:14 pm
by DeafTrooper
Lou3433 wrote:When I made my 41st elite. I had two fans, one sucking in one blowing out. I got some ipod speakers from the dollar store that I tore apart and used the speaker grill from that to put in my aerators.
Man...I miss that costume. I need to build another...soon!
Oh crap, I'm an idiot!
I completely forgot that I have a bunch of cheap computer speakers in storage that I don't even use. Those small ones that always come with a new desktop pc.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:24 pm
by DeafTrooper
Does anyone know of any hobby stores in St. Clair or northern Macomb Counties? Past Time Hobbies in Port Huron is no longer around and I need 2- 25mm fans for my helmet.
I'd google it, but I'm too tired to even bother.
Re: 41st Elite Clone w.i.p.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:49 pm
by Jaster