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I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:43 pm
by DZ-90484
Hey, my favorite snowflakes! It was great trooping with you guys when we were in town for family. Since then, I decided to start mockup work for a project that I'd like to make the Rebel Legion and 501st be a part of, and I wanted to start by inviting troopers and Garrisons I knew before I invited all comers to participate in its construction. Something about loyalty, I suppose? :thumbs: I talked to Mike Lica and he said it'd be fine for me to put this before you guys, so here I go!

First, the TL;DR of it.
THIS GAME WILL BE FOR LEGIONS ONLY, SOLD FOR COST. I am not exploiting you. (Well, I mean, not financially!)
What I'm Doing: Making a party game using cards that tell you whether you're...
  • a Stormtrooper
    a Rebel in Disguise as a Stormtrooper
    a Stormtrooper Commander, or...
    a Bounty Hunter
What I Need: Front-facing photos, much like your forward-facing approval photos (in fact, that'd be fine for most of you!) and I need your permission to include your TK-ID/Rebel Legion ID on the card (please specify them when you submit to me for this project). For a TK (plain whitejob), all I need is an approval photo. I also really need Stormtrooper Commanders. This is the stuff I need from others, which requires a new front-facing photo:
  • a Han Solo wearing a TK helmet. Feel free to pose a little.
    a Luke Skywalker wearing a TK helmet. Feel free to pose a little.
Now, for the less TL;DR of it if you're interested in what this will be:
I am basing this game on one called "ARE YOU A WEREWOLF?" or "MAFIA!" (they're the same game, really, but Werewolf is the one I'm more familiar with). It will be based loosely on the Death Star scene of Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie in Stormtrooper armor aboard the Deathstar (I already have a Leia and a Chewie for this).

In Werewolf, you're one of three things: a Werewolf, a Villager, or a Seer. In our game, this will be a Rebel, a Stormtrooper and a Stormtrooper Commander. The game will play like this:
You receive your card. You tell no one what your card says. Ostensibly everyone is a Stormtrooper.
The moderator (the guy who got the George Lucas card) has everyone close their eyes, saying "shifts change, all Stormtroopers close your eyes".
Once everyone's head is down and eyes closed, the moderator calls for the Rebels to open their eyes. The Rebels silently choose which Stormtrooper to kill. The Rebels close their eyes.
The Stormtrooper Commander is then ordered to open his eyes and silently select a Stormtrooper to interrogate for their TK-ID. The moderator tells them if they're a Stormtrooper (thumbs down) or a Rebel (thumbs up). The moderator tells the Commander to go to sleep.
The station then is all ordered to raise their eyes as the shift change completes, discovering a Stormtrooper has been blasted in the confusion by someone amongst them. The Stormies are trying to deduce who is hiding amongst them as a Rebel and airlock them, by a quick lynch-mob voting spree. More often than not they lynch another Stormtrooper!
You play until all Rebels have been executed, or until the Stormtroopers and Rebels are equal number, in which case the Rebels win. It's a fun game of intrigue and bluffing.

A picture of how these cards layout in Werewolf: ... entsHR.JPG

If interested in the project, please email me (bsessio (at) gmail (dot) com) with a straight-on photo as described above and your TK-ID or Rebel Legion ID (depending on if you're giving me a Rebel or a 501st costume, obviously).

Thank you for your time!

Dibs as they stand:
Chewbacca / Chewiechanga (Blue Ridge Base)
Leia / DZ-11282 (Central Garrison/Base)
Boba Fett / BH-47074 (Central Garrison)
George Lucas / r2b9 (Mos Espa Base)

Stormie / TK-5156 (Central Garrison)
Stormie / TK-5759 (Central Garrison)
Stormie / TK-11972 (Great Lakes Garrison)

Still need more TKs, Stormtrooper Commanders, Luke and a Han!

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:51 pm
by DZ-90484
Just as an FYI, I've cross-posted this to the CG and WIG forums, as they're the Garrisons I've trooped with so far. That's the total of places I've laid this out to thus far.

I've done this because I need a good number of Troopers, but, since I also need one-offs of the Rebels, I'll be taking the first ones I get so as not to be unfair.

You can 'dibs' a spot as a Han or a Luke or a Boba or a George Lucas if you like, however! I'm happy to hold the space if you're excited to be a part of this project.

(p.s ANH Luke and Han if possible!)

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:20 pm
by DZ-90484
The two so far! This is NOT a final design, but it is my current mock-up. I plan to round the edges at the very least, but I do want it to be simple and easy to read. The Rebel will have a red Rebel logo behind and have inverted colored nameplates. I do, however, want to keep the design colors over-all pretty contrasty in case I have to go to B&W later.
tk5759.jpg (43.23 KiB) Viewed 14370 times
tk11972.jpg (42.32 KiB) Viewed 14371 times

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:26 pm
by Flash
Be sure to run this by the Legion Merchandise Officer if you haven't already.

Where do you want the photos submitted?

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:30 pm
by DZ-90484
I wanted at least a mock-up before I submitted it to the LMO. Now that I got two in, I shall do just that.

Just email me them to bsessio (at) gmail (dot) com!

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:24 am
by DZ-90484
Dibs as they stand:
Chewbacca / Chewiechanga (Blue Ridge Base)
Leia / DZ-11282 (Central Garrison/Base)
Boba Fett / BH-47074 (Central Garrison)
George Lucas / r2b9 (Mos Espa Base)

Stormie / TK-5156 (Central Garrison)
Stormie / TK-5759 (Central Garrison)
Stormie / TK-11972 (Great Lakes Garrison)

Still need more TKs, Stormtrooper Commanders, Luke and a Han!

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:22 pm
by Silverfox
Do you want scout pics or just TK's?

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:32 pm
by DZ-90484
Standard TKs (no pauldrons, no TD, no Black Hole, so on) and TK Commanders.


Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:04 am
by DZ-90484
Examples of how the card mock-ups are looking at the moment (the size might change as I figure out exact card stocks to use through which company... as I figure out what logo the Mando Mercs want me to use... and as I decide if I like using the 501st Font for all of this [which I did get the blessings to use]). Require tentative approval from RL and MM still (got OK from 501st), want to have at least RL permission before I move forward, as I need to advertise for a Luke and Han and a TK Commander and I want everything blessed before I ask for submissions Legions-wide.

But as it stands, here are my in-progress cards with What-I-Still-Need listed above them.

Stormtrooper: (I have 7, could use about 13 more.)

Stormtrooper Commander: (None! Need help filling this! I want two)

Boba Fett: (Filled; Colin Oestreich of Central Garrison/Ne'tra Vhipir Clan)

Rebel Spies: (Leia claimed; Chewbacca claimed; still want Han Solo and Luke Skywalker)

Narrator: (Filled; George Starkey of Mos Espa Base)

Yes, my filler-photo is absolutely, unquestionably Wacky Inflatable Tube Man.

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:42 pm
by Mayhem75
Looks great so far! I will definitly be ordering one when done

Re: I want you to be a facecard!

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:48 am
by DZ-90484

Moved this onto the 501st boards proper. Feel free to post questions and, you know, keep it towards the top so people notice!

Includes what are nearing final versions of the cards. Sadly, rounded-edge cards are gonna be SUPER expensive, so I'm going to go with boring square cards.