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GLG's Clone Army has a new 501st Grunt
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:24 pm
by Gator Fett
I have no idea how I am going to start working on this, with all of the other things I have going on at home, but my armor arrived today vod's.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:24 pm
by Blizz
I could take it off your hands if you want!!!!!
By the way, welcome to the cool guys club!
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:28 pm
by Kelbin
Ooohhhh that looks pretty.
You know you could drop it off here and conveniently for me forget that you left it to me.
If you do I would gladly take you out for
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:49 pm
by Ripcode
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:57 pm
by SlvrCrest
soooo shiny!!!!!!
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:23 am
by Wags
Rip, is that O.S.C.S? Either way, Gator I am no expert, but you have my service as it is!!!! I will gladly help you out with what ever you need. Oh, yea, also, Welcome to the home of the CLONES!!!! ( I think we might be the largest group of Clones in a Garrison.... honestly...
You even have the extra "spoon calves". You suck. Im jealous. It is O.S.C.S isn't it?
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:15 pm
by Gator Fett
Wags wrote:It is O.S.C.S isn't it?
Yes. Yes it is.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:02 pm
by Gator Fett
I have been able to get in a 1/2 hour here and 1 hour there, so I made a little progress on my armor.
I decided to start on the knees and elbows because they have a defined shape and do not connect to any other pieces. I did not take any pictures of me trimming plastic or sanding the edges, since that is boring
, so here are the trimmed pieces.
Foam knees in the back and ABS knees up front.
Foam knees inserted into the ABS knees.
Close-up of the ABS over the foam.
Foam elbows in the back and ABS elbows up front.
Foam elbows inserted into the ABS knees.
Close-up of the foam in the ABS. The foam elbows had some air bubbles on the sides where the straps will connect, so I will have to fill those in before I put on the straps.
I have some final trimming and fitting, but that will wait till I get the other armor pieces put togther. Now that I have a feel for the thickness of the armor and how to work with this kit, I am going to move onto the torso pieces.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:27 am
by Wags
Awesome!!! Let me know If I can help Gator. Cant wait to see how a OSCS kit looks done.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:23 am
by Blizz
Looking SWEET!!!!!!!!
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:34 pm
by Keanu
Kammin-e-yeah-ha Bro!
Can't wait to see this beast together
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:37 pm
by Mr Fett
That is one rockin' suit, Dave.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:49 am
by Harp
Right On!!!
Another Clone for the Grand Army of the Republic......SWEET.
Looking foward to the progress pics and seeing how this turns out
I'm a little jealous; now that the weather is warming up it would be great to have another "project" to work on (I miss the smell of a dremel cuting ABS)
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:45 am
by Gator Fett
Thanks for the offer Wags, and I would love to have you guys over for an armor party, but there is no way I can dedicate any prolonged time to this project. I am lucky to get in 10 - 15 min at a time, before I hear "Daddy she stole my Barbie. But Daddy she wouldn't share. Yea, but she is being mean to me.", then I have to go break up the fight and play "Ken" for a while to get things settled down. Then I slip away for another 10 min before it starts all over again.
Frustrating, but I love it anyway.
On to the build.
I had a slight OH CRAP!
moment when trimming my cod and butt pieces, where I thought I took too much off of the butt piece. Luckily all is well.
Trimmed the butt piece on the sides and along the kidney area with a utility knife. Nice clean edges.
Pulled up some clone images and hand drew the button tabs on the butt piece.
Cut them out with the dremel and utility knife. Go slow, take off to much and you're screwed. Once I got them trimmed up I needed to contour them better to fit my girth. Got out the heat gun and put on work glove.
I'm holding it together with velcro right now, but will add the Tandy snaps once I get the other piecs fit up.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:54 am
by Blizz
Looking good!!!!!!!!!!
ALMOST makes me want to build another one, but then I remember the work I put into my first one!!!!
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:32 pm
by Gator Fett
I was able to make some good progress the last couple of days, so here is a quick update.
Finished ab / kidney armor with a spare piece of styrene velcroed over the joint in the back of the armor.
Test fitting the ab piece.
Test fitting the Chest & Back.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:20 pm
by Kal
I know you got a ton of stuff going on with the big move and all. But just wanted to thank you for take'n the time to make this for me
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:05 pm
by Mr Fett
Is there going to be an official Clone day/time for costuming at MCCC this year? There seems to be a lot around.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:44 am
by Gator Fett
It's been a while since I posted an update, so here is where I am now.
I have to adjust the bicep and shoulder a little, and maybe even lower the thighs a hair. Once I get those pieces adjusted, then it's on to the knees and elbows.
Re: GLG's Clone Army is getting bigger!
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:18 pm
by Wags
Looks great Gator!!! I would lower the thighs a little too. Also, you might want to take down the inside of the thighs, uhmmmm, next to the boys.... so you dont rub, IF you know what I mean... Other then that its coming along awesome. Have you decided what you are doing with it yet?