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Imperial Officer Costume - Thumbs up or down??

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:53 pm
by Lumpy
Found this on ebay.
Seller CLAIMS that the costume is 501st approved - but an ebay seller's claim and 50 cents will get you a cup of coffee (no offense to those ebay sellers out there :wink: )
Take a look at it and see if you agree or if this guy is full of bantha poodoo!!!!!!! ... :middle:us


Re: Imperial Officer Costume - Thumbs up or down??

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:32 pm
by Mieal_Deneb
I've just started researching the Imperial Officer uniforms (so I can sew them on commission when asked) but I don't know too much about the requirements yet. So, I'll offer my seamstress viewpoint...The shoulders seem a bit "poofy", but it could just be the way he's wearing it. The pants really should be lined, I can see either the pocket inserts or his boxers through the pant legs. I'm assuming the jacket isn't lined either which, being white, it really should be. Still, you get the code cylinders, the belt, boots, and everything for $400 or less. I'd check the 501st requirements again and make sure -but this might be a good start. But, then again, I'm just a Rebel who happens to sew 501st on occasion so don't hold what I say as 100% accurate. :wink:

Re: Imperial Officer Costume - Thumbs up or down??

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:48 am
by Crimson
For the price, I'd look elsewhere. The Grand Admiral white is a cool uniform, but it needs the gold shoulder epaulets to be complete, so I highly doubt this uniform was "501st approved" (speaking as the former Detachment Leader of the Imperial Officer Corps). Plus, as noticed by Rachel, the material is awfully thin.

The pattern, though, is very good. The front flap and collar are usually the first noticeable parts that make or break a good Imperial Officer uniform, as well as the flared jodhpurs, and this one at least has that.

But because the seller claims that the code cylinders are "accurate" (they're not; accurate would be old WWII dosimeters, not painted chalk holders), I question the entire listing's claims of "accurate" so I'd avoid this one.

Re: Imperial Officer Costume - Thumbs up or down??

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:14 am
by TD866
The belt is not even imported leather from Italy. All I can say is what was this designer thinking, OMG.) :thumbs: