Forum Rules
- No baiting, flaming, or trolling. This includes using avatars or signatures to poke at other people.
- No spamming or "business opportunities."
- No swearing except in designated areas. Although word filters are active, don't try to get around it.
- No politics/religion.
- Avatars and signatures are visible on public areas of the forum. Keep them public-friendly.
- Confidential information is confidential. Do not transcribe, copy, or otherwise distribute information in private forums to third parties without permission, except in cases where such information is being reported to Legion supervisory personnel (which includes Garrison officers or forum moderators as appropriate).
- No crude or threatening behavior. Determination of such will be in the sole judgment of forum moderators and/or administrators.
- Users may report violations of forum rules through the forum by clicking on the "report" button available on each post. However, moderators or administrators may deem that reported posts may or may not be violations.
- If another user is not violating these rules but their posts still irritate you, make use of the "friends/foes" function by putting them on "Ignore."
- If you get censored or edited, don't jump on the "free speech" bandwagon. Private organizations are not obligated to uphold the First Amendment. That only applies to the government ("Congress shall make no law...."). Arguing that point may result in further immediate action.
- No rules-lawyering. The decisions of moderators, administrators, and Garrison officers are final. Most of the moderators and administrators are just as expert in rules-lawyering as you are. Obey the spirit of the law even if the letter of the law doesn't expressly specify every possible outcome, permutation or result of an action.
- Take responsibility for how your posts may be interpreted. If you meant it one way, and multiple people interpreted it another, maybe it's not necessarily their fault for reading it wrong. Maybe it's because of how it's written.
- Additions and changes to these rules may occur at any time. It is your responsibility to keep up to date on them.
Disciplinary Policies and Procedures
Warnings automatically expire after 30 days. If abuse of this time-frame is detected, disciplinary action may occur.- First offence: warning issued.
- Second offence: warning issued, and posts moderated for a period of 7 days from date of first subsequent post. In the case of avatar/signature abuse, avatar/signature privilege will be suspended for 30 days.
- Third offence: banning for 14 days, and post moderation for 30 days following date of first subsequent post. In the case of avatar/signature abuse, permanent revocation of avatar/signature privilege.
- Fourth offence: suspension from forum for a minimum 30 days. Reinstatement of forum use privilege will be contingent upon conference of Garrison command staff. Garrison staff may decide to extend suspension if warranted.
- Subsequent offences may result in permanent revocation of forum use privileges and/or possible disciplinary charges in accordance with Legion policies covering acceptable behavior, up to and including dismissal from the Legion.
- All users on moderation may also be prohibited from editing previous posts.
Definitions and Other Policies
Treat others as you would like to be treated. Respect fellow members and their opinions. Respect must be extended to each and every member, the administrative staff included. Be polite and courteous to others and keep your messages in good taste. Disagreements are bound to happen. Approach them in a civil manner, with respect to the other person's point of view.Should you feel someone has crossed the line and is being disrespectful to you, contact a member of the administrative staff and allow them to handle the situation. If a member's family, gender, race, national origin, etc. is maliciously involved in an argument, the offending member will face an immediate ban. On a final note, respect for the opposite sex must be shown at all times.
Pornographic Material
All pornographic, sexually suggestive and sexist material are prohibited. Additionally, do not link to porn or post "Email/PM me for/with porn".