It won't be any type of replica of Qui-gon Jinn's lightsaber, but it will look really good when finished....I hope! The parts from TCSS (The Custom Saber Shop) arrived today, so here's what I'll be starting with:
Scott wanted it to be brass and black, so I ordered the parts powder coated in "Solar Flat Black." They look good!
The blade will be green, and we'll be using a Luxeon K2 to illuminate it. The copper disc is the heatsink and mount for the led. The other clear plastic piece ifs the focusing lens for the led.
There are two switches to pick from at the moment, but we can decide on that later. The battery pack is a 4-AA, for 6 volts. That's enough to power the led and the soundboard, which will be an Ultrasabers Ultrasound v2.0.
The Ultrasound requires a 1 watt, 8 ohm speaker, so we'll use the "premium" speaker from TCSS. There is also a black anodized, machined aluminum CT wheel so that Scott will be able to remove the blade, and hang the hilt on his belt.
This will be the speaker grill. A simple snap in sink strainer from the hardware store. I might change this out later on to a piece of simple black aluminum screen...we'll see how the chrome strainer looks on the black and brass saber and decide at that point.
Here's a closer look at the black sections of the hilt. This should be pretty cool when done!